Fighting For Our CompanyFighting For Our Company

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Fighting For Our Company

After struggling for quite some time with opposing views of our company, we finally realized that the public perception of our business was important. We didn't want a few rumors to get in the way of profitability, so we started looking for a business attorney who could help. We found a great lawyer in the area who really understood how to handle different aspects of our company, and they worked with us to identify and resolve a long list of challenges. Now I can honestly say that our business stands on its own two feet, and that is a great feeling.


Latest Posts

Understanding the Role of Forced Labor Trade Law Services
31 July 2024

Forced labor has long been a global issue, with mi

Rights Under The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
17 March 2023

When facing a devastating illness, you may not be

Filing A Workplace Discrimination Case? Why You Need A Workplace Discrimination Attorney
16 March 2022

Workplace discrimination is usually unacceptable,

Signs Of Hidden Age Discrimination In The Workplace
19 August 2020

Are you a victim of subtle age discrimination in y

Three Things An International Trade Attorney Can Advise You About Before You Export Your Product
6 January 2020

If your business is planning to start selling prod

Understanding the Role of Forced Labor Trade Law Services

Forced labor has long been a global issue, with millions of people being exploited and forced to work against their will. In order to combat this problem, many countries have implemented laws and regulations to prevent the use of forced labor in the products they import. This is where forced labor trade law services come into play. These services help companies navigate the complex web of laws and regulations related to forced labor in international trade. Read More 

Rights Under The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

When facing a devastating illness, you may not be able to work as normal. You may be too ill to work, or you may have doctor's appointments during the week. You may fear losing your job, but the only thing you should worry about is getting healthy. That's why the federal government enacted the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Learn more about your rights under FMLA and about FMLA law cases so that you can learn if you were treated unfairly. Read More 

Filing A Workplace Discrimination Case? Why You Need A Workplace Discrimination Attorney

Workplace discrimination is usually unacceptable, but this doesn't mean you can't be a victim. Many employees might experience workplace discrimination, but they don't all give it the right approach. Actually, some experience it but do nothing about it at all. Where possible, you should seek legal help whenever you face any form of workplace discrimination. Whether you were discriminated against due to your sexuality, ethnicity, religion, family status, color, disability, age, or gender, you should hire a workplace discrimination attorney to help you. Read More 

Signs Of Hidden Age Discrimination In The Workplace

Are you a victim of subtle age discrimination in your workplace? Although pervasive, employees file fewer age claims among forms of workplace discrimination. Less than a quarter of discrimination lawsuits involve age discrimination, following retaliation, race, disability, and sex as the leading complaints.  The current recession, however, has exposed age prejudice in the workplace. Workplace discrimination lawyers are reporting a sharp spike in age discrimination complaints.  Age discrimination is oftentimes performed under the guise of voluntary separation, employee downsizing, or dismissal for poor performance. Read More 

Three Things An International Trade Attorney Can Advise You About Before You Export Your Product

If your business is planning to start selling products in one or more foreign countries, the last thing you want to do is give all the responsibilities to a distributor and trust they know what they are doing. A distributor is trying to sell your product and may be oblivious to issues that concern you. For this reason, you need to consult with an international trade attorney about your product and the country you want to sell in. Read More